Sections (TOC) :
• 1
43 Words; 242 Characters
• 2
23 Words; 119 Characters
• 3
10 Words; 71 Characters
• 4
92 Words; 589 Characters
• 5
97 Words; 652 Characters
• 6
35 Words; 190 Characters
• 7
79 Words; 483 Characters
• 8
42 Words; 259 Characters
• 9
10 Words; 78 Characters
• 10
23 Words; 140 Characters
• 11
44 Words; 259 Characters
• 12
24 Words; 158 Characters
• 13
58 Words; 347 Characters
• 14
17 Words; 118 Characters
• 15
27 Words; 145 Characters
Sections (Content) :
• 1
I believe in birth control because I believe in knowledge, I believe a man and woman should have available all knowledge and I believe with the poet who said "Let knowledge grow from morn to morn, Gain more of reverence as it grows."
• 2
For birth control is today a part of human knowledge, which must not be denied to all who want it and need it.
• 3
Knowledge to prevent conception is the only cure for abortion.
• 4
The mothers who are liberated -- and liberated through the exercise of their own intelligence and foresight -- from the relentless pressure of involuntary motherhood -- almost automatically become more interested in life, in the future, in the upbringing of their children, in the affairs of the community at large. In a word, they have become more civilized. And this has been made possible not through the much-vaulted agencies of popular education, but because she has been given simple, sanitary instruction which assures her mastery of her own body and procreative functions.
• 5
Equipped with the instrument of birth control, the mother regains not only mastery of her procreative function, but an immeasurably increased sense of power over life itself.... A whole sphere of life -- the sexual -- is elevated from the level of the purely instinctive and fortuitous and submitted to intelligent direction. Mystery and ignorance are banished. Married love is enriched and greatly reinforced by completely fulfilled sexual communion which has been emancipated of the destructive restrictions and mutilations of unexpressed fears. And so between husband and wife mental and spiritual bonds are strengthened and vitalized.
• 6 soon as I was convinced that the information to prevent conception was a necessity for woman's as well as man's emancipation, I set to work at once to do my part in giving it.
• 7
What we need is the spread, gradual but sure, of intelligence to all mothers. This can be done only by the cooperation of the awakened mothers of America, counseling and helping the less fortunate and unenlightened mothers with whom they come in contact. It will be a day-by-day, unending and often thankless task, but gradually the woman who courageously undertakes it will see the beneficial results of her influence, and the growth of a true hygienic and healthful power.
• 8
...from the beginning of time governments persistently sought to stifle all new ideas as well as to suppress all attempts of their expression. We look back with horror at the persecutions champions of new ideas have endured at the hands of authority.
• 9
...the knowledge to prevent conception is a great social necessity...
• 10
...we in the United States cannot advance either morally or socially until we take up the study of the knowledge to control births.
• 11
...the repeal of the statutes prohibiting the dissemination of the knowledge of Birth Control would in a few years rid the state of this burden, to say nothing of freeing women of the most abject of all forms of slavery, that of unwilling motherhood.
• 12
Everywhere throughout the country, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, the birth control idea is progressing and the future of the movement is assured.
• 13
Thousands of young girls are being caught in the meshes of modern life because of their ignorance of themselves. Ignorance of a girl's body is one of the strongest forces that sends her into unclean living: and all the curfew bells, the legislation and the suppression in the world will only strengthen this force instead of lessening it.
• 14
...I am not convinced that feminine wisdom increases in direct proportion with the number of one's offspring.
• 15
I have one test of intelligence and that is the attitude of the man or woman on birth control, as that is the real test of intelligence.
Chronology :
April 13, 2020 : Knowledge -- Added.
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