Ageist Oppression -------------------------------------------------------------------- Sections (TOC) : ---------------------------------- * 1 43 Words; 249 Characters * 2 14 Words; 84 Characters * 3 11 Words; 69 Characters * 4 20 Words; 118 Characters * 5 55 Words; 310 Characters * 6 47 Words; 288 Characters * 7 63 Words; 418 Characters Sections (Content) : ---------------------------------- * 1 Strepsiades: ...[as your father], I am justly entitled to chastise you; and you to chastise your son, if you should have one. Phidippides: But if I should not have one, I shall have wept for nothing, and you will die laughing at me. * 2 OLD MEN: ...Pile and burn them all together in one vast and righteous pyre! * 3 O these dreadful old men And their dark laws of hate! * 4 You villainous old men, what's this you do? No honest man, no pious man, could do such things as you. * 5 "I am not my childhood," Snowman says out loud. He hates these replays. He can't turn them off, he can't change the subject, he can't leave the room. What he needs is more inner discipline, or a mystic syllable he could repeat over and over to tune himself out. What were those things called? Mantras. * 6 ...there cannot be a right in any to establish government by hereditary succession, because it would be supposing itself possessed of a right superior to the rest, namely, that of commanding by its own authority how the world shall be hereafter governed, and who shall govern it. * 7 This great and glorious country needs children -- to uphold its great and glorious industrial system, its great and glorious public schools, its great and glorious silk mills and mush factories, its great and glorious, its magnificently equipped, and efficiently conducted asylums for the insane and feeble-minded, its reformatories and juvenile courts, its noble slums. Let us sing "My Country, Tis of Thee!" Events : ---------------------------------- Ageist Oppression -- Added : April 13, 2020 About This Textfile : ---------------------------------- Text file generated from :