
Sections (TOC) :

• 1
      24 Words; 160 Characters

• 2
      36 Words; 229 Characters

• 3
      114 Words; 618 Characters

• 4
      57 Words; 305 Characters

• 5
      78 Words; 421 Characters

• 6
      9 Words; 58 Characters

• 7
      69 Words; 416 Characters

• 8
      159 Words; 871 Characters

Sections (Content) :

• 1

A certain number of the outrages upon the spirit of youth may be traced to degenerate or careless parents who totally neglect their responsibilities...

• 2

The illiberality of parents, in allowance towards their children, is an harmful error; makes them base; acquaints them with shifts; makes them sort with mean company; and makes them surfeit more when they come to plenty.

• 3

The man who would mar the flesh of a boy or girl is unfit to have the control of a human being. The father who keeps a rod in his house keeps a relic of barbarism in his heart. There is nothing reformatory in punishment; nothing reformatory in fear. Kindness, guided by intelligence, is me only reforming force. An appeal to brute force is an abandonment of love and reason, and puts father and child upon a savage equality; the savageness in the heart of the father prompting the use of the rod or club, produces a like savageness in the victim. The old idea that a child's spirit must be broken is infamous.

• 4

Just imagine a man who deals in stocks whipping his boy for putting false rumors afloat! Think of a lawyer beating his own flesh and blood for evading the truth when he makes half of his own living that way! Think of a minister punishing his child for not telling all he thinks! Just think of it!

• 5

It was equally clear that one ought to love one's father, but I knew very well that I merely disliked my own father, whom I had barely seen before I was eight and who appeared to me simply as a gruff-voiced elderly man forever saying "Don't." It was not that one did not want to possess the right qualities or feel the correct emotions, but that one could not. The good and the possible never seemed to coincide.

• 6

The child and the adult live in different worlds.

• 7

The duty of parents consists chiefly in this, that they support their children in comfort, and so shape their body and mind by skillful and wise education, that they become fit and useful members of human and civil society, good, wise, and men of character. Also to introduce them to a suitable and honorable occupation; and, so far as reason and opportunity permit, to establish and promote their fortunes.

• 8

Mothers of today let us look at each other unmasked -- let us tear this mask of indifference and hypocrisy from off our eyes, and face these conditions and meet them squarely. These children who work in the mills and factories, and cellars, these neglected and starved children of the slums; these diseased and deformed children of neglect. The children who are pushed about in the streets by every one, the children of the reform schools and jails, yes even the children who walk the streets at night to sell their bodies are all ours -- they are ours. Mothers -- yours and mine. Our sisters are their mothers -- they are and all belong to us -- for we are mothers of the human race -- These children cry out to us for protection --These creatures of our creation are the products of our neglect. And the time has come for mothers of today to face this neglect.

Chronology :

April 13, 2020 : Parents -- Added.

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