Social Issues

Sections (TOC) :

• 1
      34 Words; 228 Characters

• 2
      78 Words; 481 Characters

• 3
      52 Words; 373 Characters

• 4
      82 Words; 515 Characters

• 5
      90 Words; 509 Characters

• 6
      66 Words; 392 Characters

• 7
      65 Words; 451 Characters

Sections (Content) :

• 1

Broader movements and issues are now on the horizon of modern society that, while they must necessarily involve workers, require a perspective that is larger than the factory, trade union, and a proletarian orientation.

• 2

The housing question is the most fundamental of social problems relating to environment. The dictum of the late Cardinal Manning, "Domestic life creates a nation," is absolutely sound. The corollary is also true: the lack of domestic life will unmake a nation. The home is the character unit of society; and, where there is little or no opportunity for the free play of influences which make for health, happiness, and virtue, we must expect social degeneration and decay.

• 3

The measurable economic results of a particular system of industrial relations, while of vital significance, do not provide a complete picture of the system's performance. In particular, such an assessment fails to disclose important qualitative human interactions of the system and its harmony or lack thereof with the country's overall socio-political structure.

• 4 is palpably absurd to continue talking, and acting, as if our survival -- or our 'economic health' -- depended upon that extra one or two percent growth. At the risk of offending financial journalists and other fastidious scrutinizers of economic statistics, whose spirits have been trained to soar or sink on detecting a half percent swing in any index, I must voice the view that the near-exclusive concern with industrial growth is, in the present condition of Britain, unimaginative and unworthy.

• 5

A building in the city is today seldom regarded by the owners as more than a financial asset. But it may, in addition, be an asset or liability to the city. A stately building is a source of pride and pleasure to citizens while a shoddy one, of which there has been a proliferation since the war, is a source of continual annoyance and disgust. If the builder of these 'functional' modern blocks were compelled to compensate citizens for 'uglifying' their city, we might yet have hope for the future.

• 6

The growing popularity of do-it-yourself kits and craft hobbies is evidence surely of a search to recapture something of the deep satisfaction enjoyed by the craftsmen of old that comes of mastering the material and creating with the hands. The pity of it is that such hobbies can be enjoyed only briefly after the day's work, or at week-ends, instead of being the daily work itself.

• 7

...whilst the effect of increasing capital is generally to concentrate labor in very large manufactories, the effect of great opulence is almost entirely to exclude the produce of those large manufactories from the consumption of the opulent man. The diffusion of wealth, therefore, still more than its accumulation, truly constitutes national prosperity, because it keeps up the kind of consumption most favorable for national re-production.

Chronology :

April 11, 2020 : Social Issues -- Added.

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