
Sections (TOC) :

• 1
      55 Words; 332 Characters

• 2
      19 Words; 120 Characters

• 3
      22 Words; 149 Characters

• 4
      115 Words; 660 Characters

• 5
      23 Words; 123 Characters

• 6
      20 Words; 132 Characters

• 7
      17 Words; 111 Characters

• 8
      105 Words; 564 Characters

• 9
      50 Words; 318 Characters

• 10
      21 Words; 139 Characters

Sections (Content) :

• 1

I too think it quite certain that a real change in the relations of human beings to possessions would be of more help in this direction than any ethical commands; but the recognition of this fact among socialists has been obscured and made useless for practical purposes by a fresh idealistic misconception of human nature.

• 2

When abundant food is available and free for all, civilization in general will have taken a giant step forward.

• 3

One must honor guests and foreigners and strangers, even those much poorer than oneself. Zeus watches over beggars and guests and strangers.

• 4

Overthrown, but not conquered, the Commune in our days is born again. It is no longer a dream of the vanquished, caressing in imagination the lovely mirage of hope. No! the "commune" of today is becoming the visible and definite aim of the revolution rumbling beneath our feet. The idea is sinking deep into the masses, it is giving them a rallying cry. We count on the present generation to bring about the social revolution within the commune, to put an end to the ignoble system of middleclass exploitation, to rid the people of the tutelage of the state, to inaugurate a new era of liberty, equality, solidarity in the evolution of the human race.

• 5

The sweetest epitaph on any tomb is on the stone to the memory of Sir Robert Peel: "He gave the poor cheap bread."

• 6

...the restraints of Communism would be freedom in comparison with the present condition of the majority of the human race.

• 7

...privation and brute labor have to be abolished before the real problems of humanity can be tackled.

• 8

Both the community of property and the community of families, as I am saying, tend to make them more truly guardians; they will not tear the city in pieces by differing about "mine" and "not mine;" each man dragging any acquisition which he has made into a separate house of his own, where he has a separate wife and children and private pleasures and pains; but all will be affected as far as may be by the same pleasures and pains because they are all of one opinion about what is near and dear to them, and therefore they all tend towards a common end.

• 9

The distribution of provisions, money, and merchandise in just proportions, according to times and places, is the true secret of finance and the source of wealth, provided those who administer it have foresight enough to suffer a present apparent loss, in order really to obtain immense profits in the future.

• 10

Socialism, ignoring or skeptical of a hereafter, is based on the present, the earth, the now. Progress is its cardinal conception.

Chronology :

April 11, 2020 : Humanity -- Added.

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