
Sections (TOC) :

• 1
      11 Words; 67 Characters

• 2
      14 Words; 89 Characters

• 3
      15 Words; 92 Characters

• 4
      52 Words; 325 Characters

• 5
      15 Words; 95 Characters

• 6
      20 Words; 132 Characters

• 7
      53 Words; 302 Characters

• 8
      60 Words; 302 Characters

• 9
      19 Words; 117 Characters

• 10
      18 Words; 111 Characters

• 11
      48 Words; 308 Characters

• 12
      99 Words; 636 Characters

Sections (Content) :

• 1

The best political economy is the care and culture of men.

• 2

...creative work in whatever form is the only security of a rich social culture.

• 3

Whoever learns just to read and write has taken only the first step toward culture.

• 4

...even when the mind operates alone, and feeling the sentiment of blame or approbation, pronounces one object deformed and odious, another beautiful and amiable; I say, that, even in this case, those qualities are not really in the objects, but belong entirely to the sentiment of that mind which blames or praises.

• 5 is convenient to be able to write letters in languages you yourself can't speak.

• 6 cannot lightly dismiss the notion that classical records are for many people tokens of taste and objects of display.

• 7, book-borrowing and bookstealing more or less even out. I possess books that do not strictly speaking belong to me, but many other people also have books of mine: so that the books I have not paid for can be taken as balancing others which I have paid for but no longer possess.

• 8

...he who dislikes learnings, especially in youth, when he has no power of judging what is good and what is not, such an one we maintain not to be a philosopher or a lover of knowledge, just as he who refuses his food is not hungry, and may be said to have a bad appetite and not a good one...

• 9

The capacity to visualize things that do not yet exist has been seen as the fundamental hallmark of culture.

• 10

Through the heaven of culture man seeks to isolate himself from the world, to break its hostile power.

• 11

When we want culture more than potatoes, and illumination more than sugar-plums, then the great resources of a world are taxed and drawn out, and the result, or staple production, is, not slaves, nor operatives, but men -- those rare fruits called heroes, saints, poets, philosophers, and redeemers.

• 12

...the Integral Way returns you to the subtle essence of life. Adopt its practices and you will become like they are: honest, simple, true, virtuous, whole. You see, in partial pursuits, one's transformation is always partial as well. But in integral self-cultivation, it is possible to achieve a complete metamorphosis, to transcend your emotional and biological limitations and evolve to a higher state of being. By staying out of the shadows and following this simple path, you become extraordinary, unfathomable, a being of profound cosmic subtlety. You outlive time and space by realizing the subtle truth of the universe.

Chronology :

April 12, 2020 : Culture -- Added.

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