
Sections (TOC) :

• 1
      17 Words; 92 Characters

• 2
      33 Words; 201 Characters

• 3
      15 Words; 116 Characters

• 4
      20 Words; 123 Characters

• 5
      57 Words; 344 Characters

• 6
      6 Words; 51 Characters

• 7
      62 Words; 397 Characters

• 8
      27 Words; 182 Characters

• 9
      51 Words; 287 Characters

• 10
      35 Words; 221 Characters

• 11
      9 Words; 82 Characters

• 12
      11 Words; 75 Characters

• 13
      181 Words; 1,014 Characters

• 14
      13 Words; 107 Characters

Sections (Content) :

• 1

We don't want the world to know us because of our guns, but because of our ideas...

• 2

We have the right and obligation to force the negative to clash with the positive and cause the spark. Is that adventurism? Then I say that all revolutions have been triggered by adventurists.

• 3

The future belongs to those who continue daringly, consistently, to fight power and governmental authority.

• 4

A peasant in revolt is infinitely wiser than the learned philosopher who tries to forge an apology for his chains.

• 5 us with your clear logic to combat prejudice and to lay, by your synthesis, the foundations of a better organization; yet more, teach us to apply in our daily arguments the fearlessness of true scientific investigation and show us, as your predecessors did, how men dare sacrifice even life itself for the triumph of the truth.

• 6

...revolution begins in the thinking mind.

• 7

Absolutism in Russia must be overthrown by the proletariat. But in order to be able to overthrow it, the proletariat requires a high degree of political education, of class-consciousness and organization. All these conditions cannot be fulfilled by pamphlets and leaflets, but only by the living political school, by the fight and in the fight, in the continuous course of the revolution.

• 8

Personally, I wish to see all opportunities for self-development opened up to the working class. But I am specially interested in such education as will make revolutionists.

• 9

How could a peasant be an effective revolutionary if he could not read or write, and how could he be expected to be an aggressive revolutionary if he did not believe that his energies would result in a change in the pattern of authority and the sharing of rewards from politics?

• 10 was always not the faith, but the freedom from the faith, the half-stoical and smiling indifference to the seriousness of the faith, which made the slaves indignant at their masters and revolt against them.

• 11

"Enlightenment" causes revolt, for the slave desires the unconditioned...

• 12

The moral principle of revolutions is to instruct, not to destroy.

• 13

What is to be done? Evidently not what for seventy years past has proved fruitless, and has only produced reverse results. What is to be done? Just what those have done, to whose activity we owe the progress towards light and good that has been achieved since the world began, and that is still being achieved to-day. That is what must be done! And what is it?

Merely the simple, quiet, truthful carrying on of what you consider good and, needful, quite independently of the Government, or of whether it likes it or not. In other words: standing up for one's rights, not as a member of the 'Literature Committee,' nor as a deputy, nor as a land-owner, nor as a merchant, nor even as a Member of Parliament; but standing up for one's rights as a rational and free man, and defending them -- not as the rights of Local Boards or Committees are defended, with concessions and compromises, but without any concessions or compromises -- in the only way in which moral and human dignity can be defended.

• 14

...educational reform had become associated with terrorism through a curious set of circumstances.

Chronology :

April 12, 2020 : Revolution -- Added.

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