AK Press Collective : Worker-Run Collective and Radical Book Publisher and Distributor -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1990 -- ? Description : ---------------------------------- A worker-run collective that publishes and distributes radical books and other media to expand minds and change worlds. A half dozen of us put in long hours every week because we believe in what we do. We're anarchists, which is reflected both in the books we provide and in the way we organize our business. From : AKPress.org Works : ---------------------------------- Author of 1 (January 01, 1970) Events : ---------------------------------- AK Press Collective's Birth Day : November 30, 1989 AK Press Collective's Added : March 11, 2020 AK Press Collective's Updated : January 17, 2023 Links : ---------------------------------- Wikipedia: AK Press -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AK_Press Radical-Guide: AK Press -- https://www.radical-guide.com/listing/ak-press-uk/ PublishersArchive.com: AK Press -- https://publishersarchive.com/publisher/960 AKPress.org -- https://www.akpress.org/ AKUK.com -- https://www.akuk.com/ About This Textfile : ---------------------------------- Text file generated from : http://RevoltSource.com/