This person has authored 11 writings.

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"The Failure of the Working Class," by Anton Pannekoek, 1946, Transcribed: by David Walters/Greg Adargo, December, 2001; Source: Kurasje Council Communist Archives.
"General Remarks on the Question of Organisation," by Anton Pannekoek, 1938.
"A History of Astronomy," by Anton Pannekoek, published by Dover Publications, Inc., 1961.
"Individual Acts," by Anton Pannekoek, 1933; Published: Unsigned in "Persdienst van de Groep van Internationale Communisten", 1933, no. 7, at the same time as the article Destruction As A Means Of Struggle. This translation was published in the American ICC journal Internationalism, No. 20, Summer 1979.
"The Labor Movement and Socialism," by Anton Pannekoek, Source: International Socialist Review, July 1908, written for the Review, and translated by William E. Bohn.
"Party and Working Class," by Anton Pannekoek, Written: 1936; Source: Kurasje Council Communist Archives.
"Public Ownership and Common Ownership," by Anton Pannekoek, Western Socialist, November 1947; written in English.
"Strikes," by Anton Pannekoek, Western Socialist, January 1948, written in English.
"There are Reforms and There are Reforms, Or, Two Sorts of Reforms," by Anton Pannekoek, Le Socialisme, November 7, 1908, translated by Mitch Abidor.
"Trade Unionism," by Anton Pannekoek, 1936, International Council Correspondence, Vol.II, No.2, January 1936.
"Workers Councils," by Anton Pannekoek, First published in English in the International Council Correspondence, Vol.II, No.5, April 1936.