Pietro Gori : Italian Lawyer, Journalist, Intellectual, Anarchist Poet, Author of Some of the Most Famous Anarchist Songs of the Late 19th Century -------------------------------------------------------------------- August 1, 1865 -- January 8, 1911 Description : ---------------------------------- An Italian lawyer, journalist, intellectual and anarchist poet. He is known for his political activities, and as author of some of the most famous anarchist songs of the late 19th century... From : Wikipedia.org Works : ---------------------------------- Author of 6 (January 01, 1970) Author of 7 (January 01, 1970) Events : ---------------------------------- Pietro Gori's Birth Day : August 01, 1865 Pietro Gori's Death Day : January 08, 1911 Pietro Gori's Added : March 24, 2020 Pietro Gori's Updated : December 12, 2022 Links : ---------------------------------- Wikipedia: Pietro Gori -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pietro_Gori KateSharpleyLibrary.net: Pietro Gori -- https://www.katesharpleylibrary.net/t76jd6 OnlineLibrary.Wiley.com: Pietro Gori -- https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/9781405198073.wbierp0637 About This Textfile : ---------------------------------- Text file generated from : http://RevoltSource.com/