
Sections (TOC) :

• 1
      25 Words; 151 Characters

• 2
      38 Words; 222 Characters

• 3
      124 Words; 801 Characters

• 4
      41 Words; 245 Characters

• 5
      32 Words; 225 Characters

• 6
      38 Words; 264 Characters

• 7
      42 Words; 264 Characters

• 8
      13 Words; 85 Characters

• 9
      140 Words; 779 Characters

• 10
      41 Words; 284 Characters

• 11
      95 Words; 524 Characters

• 12
      19 Words; 107 Characters

Sections (Content) :

• 1

British so-called democracy is only for domestic use. In the colonies, it is as Fascist as Hitler, Mussolini or Stalin. I will grant him that.

• 2

The poverty of the common people is a natural, if not an infallible effect of absolute monarchy; though I doubt, whether it be always true, on the other hand, that their riches are an infallible result of liberty.

• 3 is discouraging, though perhaps not surprising, to observe that whenever the economist gets too close to the machinery of government he is all too prone to talk the language of 'political feasibility.' In order to avoid the frustration he may learn to advocate only those measures he believes stand some chance of acceptance. This implies, however, failure to advocate technically efficient measures for fear of being ignored by governments whose range of policies is limited by party ideology, financial shibboleths and public prejudice. But once the economist succumbs to the easy habit of making only those recommendations that accord with 'political realities' he soon finds himself in the uncomfortable position of using his authority to sanction the political fashions of the day.

• 4

Without this demonstration that we can build Libertarian Socialism, the future will continue to belong to the sort of politics that came out of the French Revolution -- with many political parties to begin with, and just one at the end.

• 5

And the different forms of government make laws democratical, aristocratical, tyrannical, with a view to their several interests... everywhere there is one principle of justice, which is the interest of the stronger.

• 6

...for the workers... the existing economic order is the source of their exploitation and their social and political subjugation. Even the freest ballot cannot do away with the glaring contrast between the possessing and non-possessing classes in society.

• 7

...individuals only allow themselves to be oppressed so far as they are hurried on by blind ambition, and, looking rather below than above them, come to love authority more than independence, and submit to slavery, that they may in turn enthralled others.

• 8

...for democracy may include the whole people, or may be restricted to half.

• 9

I request nothing at all from you; for, whatever I might demand, you would still be dictatorial law-givers, and must be so, because a raven cannot sing, nor a robber live without robbery. Rather do I ask those who would be egoists what they think the more egoistic -- to let laws be given them by you, and to respect those that are given, or to practice refractoriness, yes, complete disobedience. Good-hearted people think the laws ought to prescribe only what is accepted in the people's feeling as right and proper. But what concern is it of mine what is accepted in the nation and by the nation? The nation will perhaps be against the blasphemer; therefore a law against blasphemy. Am I not to blaspheme on that account? Is this law to be more than an "order" to me?

• 10

It is conceivable that living in a republic, where direct participation for most citizens is limited to voting, produces a generalized response highly favorable to representative forms of democracy and at the same time creates minimal support for direct personal involvement.

• 11

If self-government be the rule, every self must be its subject. If a person govern, not only himself but others, that is despotic government, and it matters not if that control be over one or over a thousand individuals, or over a nation; in each case it would be the same principle of power exerted outside of self and over others, and this is despotism, whether it is exercised by one person over his subjects, or by twenty persons over a nation, or by one-half the people of a nation over the other half thereof.

• 12 is the people who direct the process, rather than those caught up in it, who are to blame...

Chronology :

March 12, 2020 : Domination -- Added.

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