The State

Sections (TOC) :

• 1
      25 Words; 177 Characters

• 2
      35 Words; 212 Characters

• 3
      19 Words; 115 Characters

• 4
      17 Words; 110 Characters

• 5
      47 Words; 268 Characters

• 6
      13 Words; 94 Characters

• 7
      52 Words; 312 Characters

• 8
      117 Words; 668 Characters

• 9
      25 Words; 136 Characters

Sections (Content) :

• 1

...the intestinal strifes which, throughout the ages, have decimated humankind, are bound up with a single cause, to wit: the destruction or preservation of government.

• 2

To put the people to death without having instructed them;-- this is called cruelty. To require from them, suddenly, the full tale of work, without having given them warning;-- this is called oppression.

• 3

The chief end of government has been and is to keep the victims of oppression and injustice in subjection.

• 4

...the only parties into which mankind are divided, that of the oppressor, and that of the oppressed.

• 5

But the sword, which in this beneficent hand was drawn to protect the subject, and to procure a speedy and effectual distribution of justice, was likewise sufficient in the hands of a tyrant, to shed the blood of the innocent, and to cancel the rights of men.

• 6 the name of civilization we protest against the spirit of medieval persecution.

• 7

Who is it -- throughout this endless procession of tortures which has been the history of the human race -- who is it that sheds the blood, always the same, relentlessly, without any pause for the sake of mercy? Governments, religions, industries, forced labor camps, all of these are drenched in blood.

• 8

If we follow the progress of inequality in these various revolutions, we shall find that the establishment of laws and of the right of property was its first term, the institution of magistracy the second, and the conversion of legitimate into arbitrary power the third and last; so that the condition of rich and poor was authorized by the first period; that of powerful and weak by the second; and only by the third that of master and slave, which is the last degree of inequality, and the term at which all the rest remain, when they have got so far, till the government is either entirely dissolved by new revolutions, or brought back again to legitimacy.

• 9

Power, in whatever form, cannot but reap from the fields in which it sows oppression and pain; and as it sows, so does it reap.

Chronology :

March 12, 2020 : The State -- Added.

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