
Sections (TOC) :

• 1
      47 Words; 298 Characters

• 2
      39 Words; 212 Characters

• 3
      40 Words; 226 Characters

• 4
      22 Words; 122 Characters

• 5
      161 Words; 929 Characters

• 6
      7 Words; 47 Characters

• 7
      31 Words; 191 Characters

• 8
      69 Words; 440 Characters

• 9
      44 Words; 261 Characters

• 10
      24 Words; 159 Characters

• 11
      10 Words; 74 Characters

• 12
      117 Words; 627 Characters

• 13
      26 Words; 162 Characters

• 14
      19 Words; 121 Characters

• 15
      28 Words; 149 Characters

• 16
      65 Words; 419 Characters

• 17
      30 Words; 180 Characters

• 18
      70 Words; 454 Characters

• 19
      22 Words; 162 Characters

• 20
      9 Words; 55 Characters

Sections (Content) :

• 1

[Anonymous Anarchist] For every drop of blood spilled, for every echoing moan extracted from the victims of torture in the dungeons, an avenger will arise, worthy of his predecessors, fearless and bold. The blood af martyrs and heroes has never brought forth any harvest other than revolt.

• 2

I know that our best comrades are falling one by one, but those losses are logical and necessary; without them there is no harvest, they are to the revolution what the sun and the water are to the trees.

• 3

...whether they died at the hands of the enemy or because of the premature explosion of a bomb, they died in the interest of the working class. Therefore they are our comrades, no matter what the cause of their death.

• 4

There isn't any monument to the fallen in Spain, only to the victors. But those who lack stone live on in memory.

• 5

The ignorant mass looks upon the man who makes a violent protest against our social and economic iniquities as upon a wild beast, a cruel, heartless monster, whose joy it is to destroy life and bathe in blood; or at best, as upon an irresponsible lunatic. Yet nothing is further from the truth. As a matter of fact, those who have studied the character and personality of these men, or who have come in close contact with them, are agreed that it is their super-sensitiveness to the wrong and injustice surrounding them which compels them to pay the toll of our social crimes. The most noted writers and poets, discussing the psychology of political offenders, have paid them the highest tribute. Could anyone assume that these men had advised violence, or even approved of the acts? Certainly not. Theirs was the attitude of the social student, of the man who knows that beyond every violent act there is a vital cause.

• 6

Give flowers to the rebels who failed.

• 7

Give flowers to the rebels who failed
Their sight fixed upon the break of dawn,
To the bold rebel who fights and works
To the far-seeing poet who sings and dies.

• 8

...we are not only singing songs of fraternal sorrow over the graves of these heroes, but also a hymn of victory over the grave of czarist autocracy with all its crimes and bloodshed, its obscurantism, its cruel indifference to the sufferings of the working people, its serfdom, its abuse of the common soldiers, its corrupt czarist officials, its prisons, its Siberian exile, its whips, gallows, arbitrary violence and oppression.

• 9

Many stories of heroism are told of the Volunteers. One American was lying wounded on a stretcher. A doctor said: "We don't have enough stretchers for everyone. Is anyone strong enough to walk? "I think I can," one American said. Seconds later he died.

• 10

Here the organization does not supply the troops of the struggle, but the struggle, in an ever growing degree, supplies recruits for the organization.

• 11

...liberty does survive the death of its prophets and warriors...

• 12

[Republican, Spanish Civil War nurse:] All our lives we have been hating as we have learned to hate here, when we see the ravages of... bullets in the flesh and dones of the best youth of all the world. The other thing I wanted to mention is the special strain of this nursing. There is nothing impersonal about it. Those patients are our comrades, are a part of us. When they suffer we suffer. There is a terrific emotional drain always. If we have any voice in the committee, beg them to send us more nurses and doctors. Don't let them forget us! They can never fill the need here -- but they must never stop trying.

• 13

The press is mistaken. There are certain corpses that walk again, and certain voices that won't be stifled. And the void is filled with terrible enigmas.

• 14

If martyrs could, by their shining example, win revolutions, we would presumably be in the promised land by now.

• 15

For me, what does it matter! My hair is white, my career is finished. What more glorious end could I hope for than to die on the barricades!

• 16

Are we to decry as miscreants these human beings who act with heroic self-devotion, sacrificing their lives in protest, where less social and less energetic natures would lie down and grovel in abject submission to injustice and wrong? Are we to join the ignorant and brutal outcry which stigmatizes such men as monsters of wickedness, gratuitously running amok in a harmonious and innocently peaceful society?

• 17

...the heretic against pure faith no longer exposes himself to the earlier fury of persecution, but so much the more does it now fall upon the heretic against pure morals.

• 18

...liberty is a necessary condition for the generation and development of morality. True morality cannot exist where there is constraint.

Where this is no liberty, we find those who, in the name of conscience, resist a domination which they consider immoral. They are the martyrs. Or there are those who conform without conviction, for reasons of family, for love of tranquility, for material benefits, or simply because they are afraid.

• 19

Others, craven-hearted, said disparagingly, that "he threw his life away," because he resisted the government. Which way have they thrown their lives...?

• 20

I don't like heroes; they make too much noise.

Chronology :

November 25, 2020 : Martyrdom -- Added.

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