
Sections (TOC) :

• 1
      4 Words; 41 Characters

• 2
      36 Words; 225 Characters

• 3
      7 Words; 48 Characters

• 4
      29 Words; 205 Characters

• 5
      62 Words; 384 Characters

• 6
      20 Words; 124 Characters

• 7
      61 Words; 338 Characters

• 8
      20 Words; 139 Characters

• 9
      20 Words; 107 Characters

• 10
      25 Words; 171 Characters

• 11
      16 Words; 88 Characters

• 12
      17 Words; 105 Characters

• 13
      12 Words; 85 Characters

• 14
      32 Words; 197 Characters

• 15
      32 Words; 157 Characters

• 16
      16 Words; 122 Characters

Sections (Content) :

• 1

[Anonymous] Moderation is Death.

• 2

We know too well that to see that movement transformed into a mutual admiration society, or an Agitators’ Mutual Insurance Corporation, would be the greatest piece of good luck that could happen to our enemies.

• 3

We can give up everything save victory.

• 4

...indignation, and private revenge, were the principles on which nations proceeded to the expulsion of tyrants, to the emancipation of mankind, and the full explanation of their political rights.

• 5 must feel intensely the indignity of our social wrongs; one's very being must throb with the pain, the sorrow, the despair millions of people are daily made to endure. Indeed, unless we have become a part of humanity, we cannot even faintly understand the just indignation that accumulates in a human soul, the burning, surging passion that makes the storm inevitable.

• 6

It is not with decrees, with words written on paper, that the Revolution will emancipate the people but with deeds.

• 7

Learn patience. Learn how to survive. It will not be all hardship and suffering as others have warned. What is suffering, comrades? Even as I write knowing death is coming over that hill not five hundred yards away I would not go back to being a respected professional in a system I detested. That is the true death of the spirit

• 8

We want to make the revolution as soon as possible, taking advantage of all the opportunities that may arise.

[Section 2.]

• 9

Attack! Strike hard! A few months ago our cry was "They shall not pass!" Now it is "We shall win!"

• 10

It's just these obstacles and social depravity that makes the revolution necessary. A revolutionary must above all be optimistic and believe in the final victory.

• 11

Then came the revolution. Along with the new ideas came a way to act upon them.

• 12

The choice before us is not so much between victory and defeat as between revolution and apathy.

• 13

We shall still save the country, though possibly now only behind barricades.

• 14

Any movement with fear lurking in the background, fear of the press, of public opinion, of our neighbors, or of the enemy, can not have that spirit which fearlessness of opposition brings.

• 15

No doubt you can get more in your market for a quart of milk than for a quart of blood, but that is not the market that heroes carry their blood to.

• 16

...revolutionary energy is short-lived for it feeds on emotional excitement, which can be only briefly sustained.

Chronology :

November 25, 2020 : Militancy -- Added.

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