
Sections (TOC) :

• 1
      23 Words; 126 Characters

• 2
      46 Words; 294 Characters

• 3
      20 Words; 113 Characters

• 4
      75 Words; 439 Characters

• 5
      12 Words; 83 Characters

• 6
      53 Words; 323 Characters

• 7
      80 Words; 472 Characters

• 8
      32 Words; 200 Characters

• 9
      51 Words; 290 Characters

• 10
      28 Words; 155 Characters

• 11
      55 Words; 327 Characters

• 12
      49 Words; 358 Characters

• 13
      103 Words; 594 Characters

Sections (Content) :

• 1

The essence of civilization is that men should come to be led more by hope and ambition and example and less by fear.

• 2

Hidden under an uncouth surface would be found a great deal of what constitutes the true poetry of modern life, -- tragedy more heart-rending, examples of a heroism more touching, more noble, and more thrilling, than anything that the richest imagination of the romanticist can invent.

• 3

Civilization is not in this terrible trumpery: if it is not in the heart of man, then it exists nowhere.

• 4

...the influence of laws, where they have any real effect in the preservation of liberty, is not any magic power descending from shelves that are loaded with books, but is, in reality, the influence of men resolved to be free; of men, who, having adjusted in writing the terms on which they are to live with the state, and with their fellow-subjects, are determined, by their vigilance and spirit, to make these terms be observed.

• 5

Truth, tolerance, love and equality are the basic needs of social harmony.

• 6

...fortunately there exists in Man another feeling which draws him closer to his neighbor, the feeling of sympathy, tolerance, of love, and, thanks to it, mankind became more civilized, and from it grew our idea which aims at making society a true gathering of brothers and friends all working for the common good.

• 7

Nothing that has been said tends in the most remote degree to undervalue the principle of benevolence. It is one of the noblest and most godlike qualities of the human heart, generated, perhaps, slowly and gradually from self-love, and afterwards intended to act as a general law, whose kind office it should be, to soften the partial deformities, to correct the asperities, and to smooth the wrinkles of its parent: and this seems to be the analog of all nature.

• 8

If I were a bookmaker, simply calculating the probabilities and leaving my own wishes out of account, I would give odds against the survival of civilization within the next few hundred years.

• 9

In taking the matter upon this ground, the first principle of civilization ought to have been, and ought still to be, that the condition of every person born into the world, after a state of civilization commences, ought not to be worse than if he had been born before that period.

• 10 delights in such mad cruelty to his own kind, that the majority of the woes to which man's lot in life is exposed proceed from man himself.

• 11

Oppression and cruelty are invariably founded on a lack of imaginative sympathy; the tyrant or tormentor can have no true sense of kinship with the victim of his injustice. When once the sense of affinity is awakened, the knell of tyranny is sounded, and the ultimate concession of "rights" is simply a matter of time.

• 12

...the difference between the earlier "barbarism" and the later so-called "civilization" is, in the main, a mere matter of the absence or presence of certain intellectual refinements and mechanical sciences, which, while largely altering and complicating the outward conditions of life, leave its essentially savage spirit almost entirely untouched.

• 13

Just as the world can reveal itself as particles, the Tao can reveal itself as human beings. Though world and particles aren't the same, neither are they different. Though the cosmic body and your body aren't the same, neither are they different. Worlds and particles, bodies and beings, time and space: All are transient expressions of the Tao. Unseeable, ungraspable, the Tao is beyond any attempt to analyze or categorize it. At the same time, its truth is everywhere you turn. If you can let go of it with your mind and surround it with your heart, it will live inside you forever.

Chronology :

April 07, 2020 : Civilization -- Added.

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