
Sections (TOC) :

• 1
      30 Words; 186 Characters

• 2
      96 Words; 611 Characters

• 3
      13 Words; 84 Characters

• 4
      21 Words; 157 Characters

• 5
      41 Words; 264 Characters

Sections (Content) :

• 1

Courts are so encumbered and hedged in with ceremony, that the members of them are always prone to imagine that the form is more essential and indispensable, than the substance.

• 2

The slave-mind dominates his outlook on philosophy, economics, politics and ethics. He feels inferior in every field. In metaphysical thought he imagines an all-pervading spirit or matter of which the man is supposed to be an infinitesimally tiny part; in the field of economics he acquiesces in a capitalistic order wherein man's life is conditioned by property relations; in politics he submits to a centralized administration of kings or of dictators: and ethically he prays to god or curses his stars helplessly for injustice done to him, instead of actively fighting with anti-social ways of life.

• 3

The true rule of government is the present established practice of the age.

• 4

Is anything general authorized, or only the individual? Is the generality (such as state, law, custom, morality, etc.) authorized, or individuality?

• 5

As the economic resources of chiefs, mandarins, and landed nobles become subject to the movement of the market, their claims to social and political command are increasingly called into question. Many of their inherited titles end up on the auction block.

Chronology :

April 09, 2020 : Tradition -- Added.

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