
Sections (TOC) :

• 1
      23 Words; 153 Characters

• 2
      34 Words; 219 Characters

• 3
      75 Words; 409 Characters

• 4
      24 Words; 134 Characters

• 5
      63 Words; 398 Characters

• 6
      11 Words; 88 Characters

• 7
      24 Words; 154 Characters

• 8
      68 Words; 433 Characters

• 9
      40 Words; 234 Characters

Sections (Content) :

• 1

...the admiration of boundless dominion is a ruinous error; and in no instance, perhaps, is the real interest of mankind more entirely mistaken.

• 2

...that ruinous maxim..."That the grandeur of a nation is to be estimated from the extent of its territory;" or, "That the interest of any particular people consists in reducing their neighbors to servitude"...

• 3

Here again I insist that nothing short of a revolution in British possessions will affect the Empire. In other words it must come from the bottom up and not from the top down. I see that you yourself advance the same idea. Alas, neither you nor I can have a deciding effect either one way or another. We can only contribute to our utmost in whatever way we think can bring about a fundamental change.

• 4

Imperialism is lying in wait at every bend of the road, hoping for a moment of weakness in order to launch itself against us.

• 5

Frequently has it [the government] contracted alliances with other governments or made combinations to carry on war and shed blood; frequently has it called on the whole nation to combine when the object has been to plunder and massacre the unoffending subjects of some neighboring state and frequently have such combinations had heaped on them all the epithets of the vocabulary of glory.

• 6

...the looting of cellars...[is] the prerogative of the conqueror everywhere...

• 7

It is at least certain, that no peoples are so oppressed and wretched as conquering nations, and that their successes only increase their misery.

• 8

It may be added that there have been known States so constituted that the necessity of making conquests entered into their very constitution, and that, in order to maintain themselves, they were forced to expand ceaselessly. It may be that they congratulated themselves greatly on this fortunate necessity, which none the less indicated to them, along with the limits of their greatness, the inevitable moment of their fall.

• 9 long as imperialism exists there will still be an economic basis for war, so the people of the world must continually strengthen the struggle for peace and must be very diligent toward the plots of those who start wars.

Chronology :

April 09, 2020 : Imperialism -- Added.

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