
Sections (TOC) :

• 1
      72 Words; 436 Characters

• 2
      13 Words; 68 Characters

• 3
      24 Words; 162 Characters

• 4
      66 Words; 345 Characters

• 5
      12 Words; 88 Characters

• 6
      31 Words; 197 Characters

• 7
      25 Words; 176 Characters

• 8
      56 Words; 348 Characters

• 9
      28 Words; 191 Characters

• 10
      32 Words; 182 Characters

• 11
      174 Words; 992 Characters

• 12
      66 Words; 374 Characters

• 13
      87 Words; 515 Characters

• 14
      13 Words; 95 Characters

• 15
      33 Words; 198 Characters

• 16
      70 Words; 377 Characters

• 17
      49 Words; 278 Characters

• 18
      107 Words; 664 Characters

• 19
      20 Words; 155 Characters

• 20
      86 Words; 488 Characters

• 21
      48 Words; 284 Characters

Sections (Content) :

• 1

They may contemplate the effects of what was so improperly called ancient simplicity and good faith; humanity groaning under implacable superstition, the avarice and ambition of a few staining with human blood the thrones and palaces of kings, secret treasons and public massacres, every noble a tyrant over the people, and the ministers of the gospel of Christ bathing their hands in blood in the name of the God of all mercy.

• 2

Ruin the world, if need be; it is the spirit of the church.

• 3

...the Spanish were to break out of the constraints of Europe, sailing westwards to the Americas and taking with them slaughter, disease and Catholicism.

• 4

God is error, and I no longer believe in him; God is a lie and hypocrisy, and I combat him; God is religion, and not only does this not console me, but it is an affliction; not only does it not bring humanity tranquility and joy, but it has written the most painful and bloody pages of history, and this is why I fight against religion.

• 5

...this civilized society [is] so well furnished with priests and police spies.

• 6

Organized churchism has stripped religion of its naïveté and primitiveness. It has turned religion into a nightmare that oppresses the human soul and holds the mind in bondage.

• 7

...the theistic order of life seeths with inequalities and injustices, greed and violence, ignorance and cowardice. The greater the faith the wider these evils spread.

• 8

As a moral influence, the church has been notoriously lacking and indeed marred with definite viciousness and error. It has supported all the social evils (monarchy, slavery, intolerance, the oppression of women, and the like) that shame the record of man -- and some of these evils the church has not merely supported but has inaugurated.

• 9

...lenity suits our natural ideas of right.... Nay, even the most bigotted priest would naturally, without reflection, approve of it; provided the crime was not heresy or infidelity.

• 10

It's enough to make you die laughing when they speak of equality and of democratic spirit in the Church. It's a lie. No other institution is ruled by such a cruel despotism.

• 11

It is not possible for the human imagination to conceive of the horrors of slavery. It has left no possible crime uncommitted, no possible cruelty un-perpetrated. It has been practiced and defended by all nations in some form. It has been upheld by all religions. It has been defended by nearly every pulpit. From the profits derived from the slave trade churches have been built, cathedrals reared and priests paid. Slavery has been blessed by bishop, by cardinal, and by pope. It has received the sanction of statesmen, of kings, and of queens. It has been defended by the throne, the pulpit and the bench. Monarchs have shared in the profits. Clergymen have taken their part of the spoils, reciting passages of Scripture in its defense at the same time, and judges have taken their portion in the name of equity and law.

Only a few years ago our ancestors were slaves. Only a few years ago they passed with and belonged to the soil, like the coal under it and rocks on it.

• 12

All the altars and all the thrones united to arrest the forward march of the human race. The king said that mankind must not work for themselves. The priest said that mankind must not think for themselves. One forged chains for the hands, the other for the soul. Under this infamous regime the eagle of the human intellect was for ages a slimy serpent of hypocrisy.

• 13

The popes and cardinals, the bishops, priests and parsons are all useless. They produce nothing. They live on the labor of others. They are parasites that feed on the frightened. They are vampires that suck the blood of honest toil. Every church is an organized beggar. Every one lives on alms -- on alms collected by force and fear. Every orthodox church promises heaven and threatens hell, and these promises and threats are made for the sake of alms, for revenue. Every church cries: "Believe and give."

• 14

...the church is either in continual detriment and oppression, or in continual danger.

• 15

An army of unemployed led by millionaires quoting the Sermon on the Mount – that is our danger. But it cannot arise when we have once introduced a reasonable degree of social justice.

• 16

If the poets speak truly, why then we had better be unjust, and offer of the fruits of injustice; for if we are just, although we may escape the vengeance of heaven, we shall lose the gains of injustice; but, if we are unjust, we shall keep the gains, and by our sinning and praying, and praying and sinning, the gods will be propitiated, and we shall not be punished.

• 17

Christianity preaches only servitude and dependence. Its spirit is so favorable to tyranny that it always profits by such a régime. True Christians are made to be slaves, and they know it and do not much mind: this short life counts for too little in their eyes.

• 18

Have we workers been inoculated with this foul pollution of the spirit, this poison that is being spread by the Young Men's and Young Women's Christian Associations and by those churches which are subsidized by the murderous masters of America?

Certainly we have if we do not boycott the Baptist Church and its allies, those "Christian Associations," that are subsidized by the Rockefellers and other criminals in order to kill the spirit of the workers of America.

Certainly we have been if we remain silent or inactive in the campaign against the poison of the "religion" that is weakening and killing the spirit of the American workers.

• 19

Why, warfare of the priesthood with egoism, of the spiritually-minded with the worldly-minded, constitutes the substance of all Christian history.

• 20

Here is the real source of the humiliation you have suffered. Your rights and privileges, so long maintained by your wisdom, could be wrested from you only by untruth. Only by lying to God and men did they succeed in making slaves of you; but they have never extinguished the love of liberty in your hearts. The greater the tyranny, the greater is that love. The sacred name of liberty is still heard in your conversations and gatherings, and in the very antechamber of the pope.

• 21

Our estimate of great men is based upon what they do or what they prove. When they defend the abominations of slavery and witchcraft, or when they give their support to miracles and orthodox doctrines, because they are sanctioned by the Bible, we change our estimate of them.

Chronology :

April 13, 2020 : Oppression -- Added.

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