RevoltSource : Sourcing the Revolution with Knowledge

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Political Struggle :

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Education Struggle :

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Religious Struggle :

Are you seeking information on religious freedom? Or are you an ally of those spreading freethought? Then join the Revolution and let's make a change!

Social Struggle :

Are you seeking information on social justice? Or are you an ally of those spreading social justice? Then join the Revolution and let's make a change!

Ecological Struggle :

Are you seeking information on ecological justice? Or are you an ally of those spreading ecological justice? Then join the Revolution and let's make a change!

People :

The people of the world make up its knowledge! Be and know, and no matter what, don't forget to do!

(1788 - 1824) ~ English Poet, Peer, One of the Leading Figures Of The Romantic Movement : An English poet and peer. One of the leading figures of the Romantic movement, Byron is regarded as one of the greatest English poets. He remains widely read and influential. (From :

(1904 - 1981) ~ German-American Marxist Political Writer and Social Revolutionary, Council Communist, Left Communist, and Continual Critic of Bolshevism and Lenin : A German-American Marxist political writer and social revolutionary, whose thought can be placed within the council communist and left communist traditions. Throughout his life, Mattick continually criticised Bolshevism, Vladimir Lenin and Leninist organisational methods, describing their political legacy as "serving as a mere ideology to justify the rise of modified capitalist (state-capitalist) systems, which were [...] controlled by way of an authoritarian state". (From :

(1712 - 1786) ~ 18th Century Prussian King, Psuedo-Philosopher, Half-Baked Poet, Battlefield Coward, Draft Dodger, and Certified Lunatic Narcissist : King in Prussia from 1740 until 1772, and King of Prussia from 1772 until his death in 1786. His most significant accomplishments include his military successes in the Silesian wars, his re-organisation of the Prussian Army, the First Partition of Poland, and his patronage of the arts and the Enlightenment. Frederick was the last Hohenzollern monarch titled King in Prussia... (From :

(bce484 - bce425) ~ Author of the "Histories," Ancient Greek Historian, Geographer, Resident of the Greek City of Halicarnassus : An ancient Greek historian and geographer from the Greek city of Halicarnassus, part of the Persian Empire (now Bodrum, Turkey) and a later citizen of Thurii in modern Calabria (Italy). He is known for having written the Histories ? a detailed account of the Greco-Persian Wars. Herodotus was the first writer to perform systematic investigation of historical events. He is referred to as "The Father of History", a title conferred on him by the ancient Roman orator Cicero. (From :

Art Historian, Authority on Gothic Art and Architecture, Interpreter of Medieval Art : An authority on Gothic art and architecture, with particular expertise in stained glass, especially the stained glass of France and the glazing programs of the abbey of Saint-Denis and cathedrals of Beauvais and Rouen. (From :

Writings :

Study, research, learn, and self-educate. Within the wisdom of this universe, you will find yourself.

"Woman's Error and Her Debt," by Margaret Sanger, August 1921.

"Notes on Nationalism," by George Orwell, 1945.

"How Are We To Establish A Truly Free And Egalitarian Society?" by Ba Jin, Banyue (Fortnight), Chengdu, China, No 17, 1 April 1921, over Ba Jin's real name Li Feigan.

"What I Believe," by Emma Goldman, New York World, July 19, 1908.

"The Spirit of Youth and the City Streets," by Jane Addams, New York: Macmillan, 1909.

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