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Political Struggle :

Are you seeking information on political justice? Or are you an ally of those spreading political justice? Then join the Revolution and let's make a change!

Economic Struggle :

Are you seeking information on economic justice? Or are you an ally of those spreading economic justice? Then join the Revolution and let's make a change!

Education Struggle :

Are you seeking information on education justice? Or are you an ally of those spreading education justice? Then join the Revolution and let's make a change!

Religious Struggle :

Are you seeking information on religious freedom? Or are you an ally of those spreading freethought? Then join the Revolution and let's make a change!

Social Struggle :

Are you seeking information on social justice? Or are you an ally of those spreading social justice? Then join the Revolution and let's make a change!

Ecological Struggle :

Are you seeking information on ecological justice? Or are you an ally of those spreading ecological justice? Then join the Revolution and let's make a change!

People :

The people of the world make up its knowledge! Be and know, and no matter what, don't forget to do!

(1856 - 1907) ~ American Reformer, Georgist, Author, State Assembly Member : American reformer, georgist, and author. (From :

(1900 - 1990) ~ Australian-born Writer, Scholar, Author, Literary Academic : An Australian-born writer, who from 1926 lived in the United Kingdom, initially in Essex. He was born in Melbourne, but spent his formative years in Brisbane. He was the eldest son of Norman Lindsay and brother of author Philip Lindsay. (From :

(1853 - 1932) ~ Italian, Anarchist, Propagandist, Revolutionary Socialist, Editor of Radical Newspapers, Exiled and Expelled from Italy, England, France, and Switzerland : An Italian anarchist propagandist and revolutionary socialist. He edited several radical newspapers and spent much of his life exiled and imprisoned, having been jailed and expelled from Italy, England, France, and Switzerland. Originally a supporter of insurrectionary propaganda by deed, Malatesta later advocated for syndicalism. (From :

IWW Activist, Advocate, Unionist, and Machine and Industrial Enthusiast

(50 - 135) ~ Ex-Slave, Greek Stoic Philosopher, Roman Exile, "When You Lose Something, don't say You Lost It, say it is Restored" : A Greek Stoic philosopher. He was born into slavery at Hierapolis, Phrygia (present-day Pamukkale, in western Turkey) and lived in Rome until his banishment, when he went to Nicopolis in northwestern Greece for the rest of his life. His teachings were written down and published by his pupil Arrian in his Discourses and Enchiridion. (From :

Writings :

Study, research, learn, and self-educate. Within the wisdom of this universe, you will find yourself.

"Cartography of Revolutionary Anarchism," by Michael Schmidt, published by AK Press, 2013, Oakland, Edinburgh, Baltimore.

"Co-operation and Trusts," by John Maclean, The British Socialist, Vol. 1, No. 4 April 1912, p.156-162.

"A History of Mechanical Inventions," by Abbott Payson Usher, Revised Edition, Dover Publications, Inc., New York, 1929, 1954, 1982.

"Letters from the Earth," by Mark Twain. Published by Harper Perennial, edited by Bernard DeVoto. Published posthumously in 1962.

"Manufacturing Consent: Changes in the Labor Process under Monopoly Capitalism," by Michael Buraway, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, London, Manchester Press, 1972.

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