Lao Tzu (600 BCE - 400 BCE) on Class Warfare and Human Happiness

(published by RevoltSource)

Entry 3245


From: holdoffhunger [id: 1]


RevoltSource Economic Struggle Economic Struggle Quotes Class Warfare Human Happiness 14

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(600 BCE - 400 BCE)

Father of Taoism, Ancient Chinese Philosopher, Libertarian and Anti-state Theorist, Writer, and Critic of Confucian Culture

: An ancient Chinese philosopher and writer. He is the reputed author of the Tao Te Ching, the founder of philosophical Taoism, and a deity in religious Taoism and traditional Chinese religions. A semi-legendary figure, Laozi is usually portrayed as a 6th-century BCE contemporary of Confucius in the Spring and Autumn period. (From:

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Quote #14 on Economic Struggle Quotes >> Class Warfare and Human Happiness

“What good is it to spend your life accumulating material things? It isn't in keeping with the Tao. What benefit in conforming your behavior to someone's conventions? It violates your nature and dissipates your energy. Why separate your spiritual life and your practical life? To an integral being, there is no such distinction. Live simply and virtuously, true to your nature, drawing no line between what is spiritual and what is not. Ignore time. Relinquish ideas and concepts. Embrace the Oneness. This is the Integral Way.”

Source: "Hua Hu Ching," by Lao Tzu, circa 600, BC. Part 50.

"Hua Hu Ching," by Lao Tzu, circa 600, BC.


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