James Steuart (October 21, 1712 - November 26, 1780) on Economics and Social Life

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Entry 3444


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(1712 - 1780)

18th-Century Scottish Jacobite, Father of Western Sociology, Author, Historian, Anthropologist, and Social Scientist

: A prominent Scottish Jacobite and author of "probably the first systematic treatise written in English about economics" and the first book in English with 'political economy' in the title. He assumed the surname of Denham late in life; he inherited his cousin's baronetcy of Coltness in 1773. (From: Wikipedia.org.)

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Quote #5 on Economic Struggle Quotes >> Economics and Social Life

“...I am of opinion, that any system of economy which necessarily tends to corrupt the manners of a people, ought by every possible means to be discouraged...”

Source: "An Inquiry into the Principles of Political Economy," by Sir James Steuart, 1767. Book 1, Chapter 20.

"An Inquiry into the Principles of Political Economy," by Sir James Steuart, 1767.


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