John Maclean (August 24, 1879 - November 30, 1923) on Workers and Production

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Entry 3807


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RevoltSource Economic Struggle Economic Struggle Quotes Workers Production 4

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(1879 - 1923)

Marxist Lecturer, Organiser, Scottish Schoolteacher, Revolutionary Socialist of the Red Clydeside Era, Notable for his Outspoken Opposition to the First World War, Arrested and Fired under the Defence of the Realm Act and Loss of his Teaching Post

: John Maclean, the second youngest of seven children, was born in Pollockshaws, Glasgow in 1879. John did well at school and although his widowed mother was extremely poor, she was determined that he would have a good education. In 1896 he became a pupil-teacher and later entered the Free Church Teacher Training College. (From:

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Quote #4 on Economic Struggle Quotes >> Workers and Production

“We must not be afraid of the cry that the country will be insolvent, since approximately all interest to meet the National Debt is taken from the workers to put into the pockets of the capitalist para­sites. The national insolvency of which the capitalist Press speaks will occur when the workers refuse to work long hours for low wages to feed the plundering capitalists and their hangers-on.”

Source: "The Coal Situation," by John Maclean, The Call, 6 March 1919, p.1.

"The Coal Situation," by John Maclean, The Call, 6 March 1919, p.1.


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