Rosa Luxemburg (March 5, 1871 - January 15, 1919) on Workers and Working Class Society(published by RevoltSource) |
Polish and Naturalised-German Revolutionary Socialist, Marxist Philosopher, Anti-war Activist, Executed Aged 47 by US-supported German Authoritarians
: A Polish and naturalised-German revolutionary socialist, Marxist philosopher and anti-war activist. Successively, she was a member of the Proletariat party, the Social Democracy of the Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania (SDKPiL), the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD), the Independent Social Democratic Party (USPD), the Spartacus League (Spartakusbund), and the Communist Party of Germany (KPD). (From:
Quote #11 on Economic Struggle Quotes >> Workers and Working Class Society
“The Congress decided that the workers of all lands would demonstrate together for the eight-hour day on May 1, 1890. No one spoke of a repetition of the holiday for the next years. Naturally no one could predict the lightning-like way in which this idea would succeed and how quickly it would be adopted by the working classes. However, it was enough to celebrate the May Day simply one time in order that everyone understand and feel that May Day must be a yearly and continuing institution.”
Source: "What Are the Origins of May Day?" by Rosa Luxemburg, 1894, Written: 1894. First published in Polish in Sprawa Robotnicza, Published: From Selected Political Writings of Rosa Luxemburg, translated by Dick Howard, Monthly Review Press, 1971, pp. 315-16.
"What Are the Origins of May Day?" by Rosa Luxemburg, 1894, Written: 1894. First published in Polish in Sprawa Robotnicza, Published: From Selected Political Writings of Rosa Luxemburg, translated by Dick Howard, Monthly Review Press, 1971, pp. 315-16.
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