Mikhail Bakunin (May 30, 1814 - June 1, 1876) on Masters and Politicians

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Entry 1892


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RevoltSource Political Struggle Political Struggle Quotes Masters Politicians 2

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(1814 - 1876)

Grandfather of Social Anarchism, the First Anti-Marxist, Theorist of Collective-Anarchism

: Russian revolutionary anarchist, socialist and founder of collectivist anarchism. He is considered among the most influential figures of anarchism and a major founder of the revolutionary socialist and social anarchist tradition. Bakunin's prestige as a revolutionary also made him one of the most famous ideologues in Europe, gaining substantial influence among radicals throughout Russia and Europe. (From: Wikipedia.org.)

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Quote #2 on Political Struggle Quotes >> Masters and Politicians

“"The masses" a man says to himself, "recognizing their incapacity to govern on their own account, have elected me their chief. By that act they have publicly proclaimed their inferiority and my superiority. Among this crowd of men, recognizing hardly any equals of myself, I am alone capable of directing public affairs. The people have need of me; they cannot do without my services, while I, on the contrary, can get along all right by myself; they, therefore, must obey me for their own security, and in condescending to obey them, I am doing them a good turn."

Is there not something in all that to make a man lose his head and his heart as well, and become mad with pride? It is thus that power and the habit of command become for even the most intelligent and virtuous men, a source of aberration, both intellectual and moral.”

Source: "Power Corrupts the Best," by Mikhail Bakunin, 1867.

"Power Corrupts the Best," by Mikhail Bakunin, 1867.


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