English Radical, Advocate of the Common Ownership of Land, Democracy Advocate, Revolutionary Feminist, and near Lifelong Prisoner and Exile
: An English Radical and advocate of the common ownership of land and a democratic equality of the sexes. Spence was one of the leading revolutionaries of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. He was born in poverty and died the same way, after long periods of imprisonment, in 1814. (From: Wikipedia.org.)
Quote #15 on Political Struggle Quotes >> State and Obedience
“...they would rather sit down contently on their dunghills, under all their affronts, with their wives and children starving about them than give offense to their masters by seditiously claiming their rights as men.”
Source: "An Interesting Conversation, between a Gentleman and the Author, on the Subject of the foregoing Lecture ["The Rights of Man"]," by Thomas Spence, (appended to The Rights of Man in the 1793 edition; perhaps also in previous editions).
"An Interesting Conversation, between a Gentleman and the Author, on the Subject of the foregoing Lecture ["The Rights of Man"]," by Thomas Spence, (appended to The Rights of Man in the 1793 edition; perhaps also in previous editions).
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