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Political Struggle :

Are you seeking information on political justice? Or are you an ally of those spreading political justice? Then join the Revolution and let's make a change!

Economic Struggle :

Are you seeking information on economic justice? Or are you an ally of those spreading economic justice? Then join the Revolution and let's make a change!

Education Struggle :

Are you seeking information on education justice? Or are you an ally of those spreading education justice? Then join the Revolution and let's make a change!

Religious Struggle :

Are you seeking information on religious freedom? Or are you an ally of those spreading freethought? Then join the Revolution and let's make a change!

Social Struggle :

Are you seeking information on social justice? Or are you an ally of those spreading social justice? Then join the Revolution and let's make a change!

Ecological Struggle :

Are you seeking information on ecological justice? Or are you an ally of those spreading ecological justice? Then join the Revolution and let's make a change!

People :

The people of the world make up its knowledge! Be and know, and no matter what, don't forget to do!

(1833 - 1891) ~ Forefather of British Freethought, Secularist Activist, and Church Critic : An English political activist and atheist. He founded the National Secular Society in 1866, 15 years after George Holyoake had coined the term "secularism" in 1851. In 1880, Bradlaugh was elected as the Liberal MP for Northampton. (From :

Lawyer of Parliamentary Practice : Civil war historian and lawyer on parliamenntary practice. (From :

(1936 - 1976) ~ Anarchist, Syndicalist and Uruguayan Expropriator Member of the Uruguayan Anarchist Federation and its Armed Wing, the Popular Revolutionary Organization-33 Orientales : An anarchist, trade unionist, and expropriator Uruguayan member of the Uruguayan Anarchist Federationand its armed wing, the Popular Revolutionary Organization-33 Orientales. At the same time, she was a union militant in the Federation of Workers of the Meat Industry and the National Workers' Convention. (From :

(1469 - 1527) ~ Famed Author of "the Prince," Italian Diplomat, Author, Philosopher and Historian who Lived during the Renaissance : An Italian diplomat, author, philosopher and historian who lived during the Renaissance. He is best known for his political treatise The Prince (Il Principe), written in about 1513 but not published until 1532. He has often been called the father of modern political philosophy and political science. (From :

(1809 - 1882) ~ English Naturalist, Geologist, Evolutionary Biologist, Discoverer of the Law of Natural Selection and the Origin of Life on Eartht : An English naturalist, geologist, and biologist, widely known for contributing to the understanding of evolutionary biology. (From :

Writings :

Study, research, learn, and self-educate. Within the wisdom of this universe, you will find yourself.

"The Main Enemy Is At Home!" by Karl Liebknecht, Leaflet, May 1915, Source: Ausgew?hlte Reden und Aufs?tze (Selected Speeches and Essays), Berlin 1952, pp. 296-301.

"Essays Moral, Political, and Literary," by David Hume, edited by Liberty Fund, 1777, with a forward by Eugene F. Miller, 1 October 1984. Section: The Life of David Hume, Esq.

"Process Under Socialism," by Peter Kropotkin, published in the monthly "The Nineteenth Century," 1887.

"Vietnam Since the Fall of Saigon," by William J. Duiker, Updated Edition, Ohio University, Southeast Asia Series, Athens, Ohio, 1989.

"Germany's Drive to the East and the Ukrainian Revolution, 1917-1918," by Oleh S. Fedyshyn, Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 1971.

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