Adriano Tilgher (January 8, 1887 - November 3, 1941) on Socialism and Humanity

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Entry 3521


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RevoltSource Economic Struggle Economic Struggle Quotes Socialism Humanity 10

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(1887 - 1941)

Italian Philosopher, Essayist, Journalist, Theater Critic, Dramatic Writer, Dying in the Middle of World War 2

: An Italian philosopher and essayist. After studying law, he dedicated himself to journalism and essay writing. He was a theatre critic for various daily Roman newspapers between 1915 and 1925, proving himself a sharp interpreter of dramatic texts. (From:

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Quote #10 on Economic Struggle Quotes >> Socialism and Humanity

“Socialism, ignoring or skeptical of a hereafter, is based on the present, the earth, the now. Progress is its cardinal conception.”

Source: "Man, Work, and Society: A Reader in the Sociology of Occupations," edited by Sigmund Nosow and William H. Form, Basic Books, Inc., New York, 1962. Part 2: The Meanings of Work, Chapter 1: Work Through the Ages, by Adriano Tilgher, Page 21.

"Man, Work, and Society: A Reader in the Sociology of Occupations," edited by Sigmund Nosow and William H. Form, Basic Books, Inc., New York, 1962.


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