Joseph Dietzgen (December 9, 1828 - April 15, 1888) on Socialism and Social Organization

(published by RevoltSource)

Entry 3567


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(1828 - 1888)

German Socialist Philosopher, Marxist, Dialectic Materialist, Journalist, Blankenberg and Rhine Prussian Native, Tanner by Profession, Siegburg Business Owner, Self-Educated

: A German socialist philosopher, Marxist and journalist. Dietzgen was born in Blankenberg in the Rhine Province of Prussia. He was the first of five children of father Johann Gottfried Anno Dietzgen (1794?1887) and mother Anna Margaretha L?ckerath (1808?1881). (From:

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Quote #5 on Economic Struggle Quotes >> Socialism and Social Organization

“...the communistic reconstruction of society on the basis of material work, which will bring about the true association of men. Only from the abolition of class-rule, from the transformation of the selfish capitalistic organizations into cooperative instruments of production will issue the true brotherhood of man, the true morality and justice.”

Source: "Ethics of Social-Democracy," by Joseph Dietzgen, Source: Philosophical Essays by Joseph Dietzgen, published by Charles H. Kerr 1917, Edited by Eugene Dietzgen and Joseph Dietzgen Jr., translated by M. Beer and Th. Rothstein; First Published: Volksstaat, 1875. Part I.

"Ethics of Social-Democracy," by Joseph Dietzgen, Source: Philosophical Essays by Joseph Dietzgen, published by Charles H. Kerr 1917, Edited by Eugene Dietzgen and Joseph Dietzgen Jr., translated by M. Beer and Th. Rothstein; First Published: Volksstaat, 1875.


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