Lucy E. Parsons (1851 - March 7, 1942) on Workers and Social Organization

(published by RevoltSource)

Entry 3886


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RevoltSource Economic Struggle Economic Struggle Quotes Workers Social Organization 19

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(1851 - 1942)

American Labor Organizer, Powerful Orator, Radical Socialist, Anarcho-communist, and Widow of the Executed Anarchist Albert Parsons

: An American labor organizer, radical socialist and anarcho-communist. She is remembered as a powerful orator. Parsons entered the radical movement following her marriage to newspaper editor Albert Parsons and moved with him from Texas to Chicago, where she contributed to the newspaper he famously edited, The Alarm. (From:

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Quote #19 on Economic Struggle Quotes >> Workers and Social Organization

“ freedom to possess and utilize soil lie social happiness and progress and the death of rent.”

Source: "The Principles of Anarchism," by Lucy E. Parsons, 1889.

"The Principles of Anarchism," by Lucy E. Parsons, 1889.


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