John Reader (1937 - ?) on Learning and Change

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Entry 4065


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RevoltSource Education Struggle Education Struggle Quotes Learning Change 9

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(1937 - )

Author and Scholar of African History, Evolutionary Change, Missing Links, and Archeological Studies

: An author and photojournalist with more than forty years' professional experience. He holds an Honorary Research Fellowship in the Department of Anthropology at U.C.L. (From:

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Quote #9 on Education Struggle Quotes >> Learning and Change

“Overall, the capacity to adapt to different and changing circumstances is the fundamental characteristic of humanity. Aided and abetted by the brain, it has enabled people to identify and solve problems, to recognize and exploit opportunities, and to diverge and find new ways of doing things.”

Source: "Africa: A Biography of the Continent," by John Reader, Vintage Books, New York, 1997. Part 3: The African Options, Chapter 15: Climate and Culture, Page 141.

A Biography of a Continent

: "Africa: A Biography of the Continent," by John Reader, Vintage Books, New York, 1997.


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