John Reader (1937 - ?) on Learning and Culture

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Entry 4127


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RevoltSource Education Struggle Education Struggle Quotes Learning Culture 9

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(1937 - )

Author and Scholar of African History, Evolutionary Change, Missing Links, and Archeological Studies

: An author and photojournalist with more than forty years' professional experience. He holds an Honorary Research Fellowship in the Department of Anthropology at U.C.L. (From:

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Quote #9 on Education Struggle Quotes >> Learning and Culture

“The capacity to visualize things that do not yet exist has been seen as the fundamental hallmark of culture.”

Source: "Africa: A Biography of the Continent," by John Reader, Vintage Books, New York, 1997. Part 2: Humanity Emerging, Chapter 8: In the Mind's Eye, Page 79.

A Biography of a Continent

: "Africa: A Biography of the Continent," by John Reader, Vintage Books, New York, 1997.


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