Robert Owen (May 14, 1771 - November 17, 1858) on Learning and Experience

(published by RevoltSource)

Entry 4215


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RevoltSource Education Struggle Education Struggle Quotes Learning Experience 12

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(1771 - 1858)

Welsh Textile Manufacturer, Philanthropist and Social Reformer, and a Founder of Utopian Socialism and the Cooperative Movement

: A Welsh textile manufacturer, philanthropist and social reformer, and a founder of utopian socialism and the cooperative movement. He strove to improve factory working conditions, promoted experimental socialistic communities, and sought a more collective approach to child rearing, including government control of education. (From:

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Quote #12 on Education Struggle Quotes >> Learning and Experience

“Can man, when possessing the full vigor of his faculties, form a rational judgment on any subject, until he has first collected all the facts respecting it which are known?”

Source: "A New View of Society," by Robert Owen, Essay 2, 1816. Essay 3, 1816.

"A New View of Society," by Robert Owen, Essay 2, 1816.


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