Charles Bradlaugh (September 26, 1833 - January 30, 1891) on School and Ignorance

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Entry 4532


From: holdoffhunger [id: 1]


RevoltSource Education Struggle Education Struggle Quotes School Ignorance 2

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(1833 - 1891)

Forefather of British Freethought, Secularist Activist, and Church Critic

: An English political activist and atheist. He founded the National Secular Society in 1866, 15 years after George Holyoake had coined the term "secularism" in 1851. In 1880, Bradlaugh was elected as the Liberal MP for Northampton. (From:

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Quote #2 on Education Struggle Quotes >> School and Ignorance

“For myself, the only Devil I know is that black Devil ignorance, fostered by knavery and tyranny; a Devil personified by the credulous many, and kept up in the past by the learned but treacherous few, who preferred to rule the masses by their fears, rather than to guide them through their love. This devil has, indeed, not been a roaring lion, but a cowardly and treacherous boa constrictor; it has enveloped in its massive folds glorious truths, and in the fierceness of its brute power has crushed them in its writhings.”

Source: "A Few Words About The Devil," by Charles Bradlaugh, published by the Bank of Wisdom, from A Few Words about the Devil, and other Biographical Sketches and Essays (New York: A. K. Butts & Co., 36 Dey Street, 1874).

"A Few Words About The Devil," by Charles Bradlaugh, published by the Bank of Wisdom, from A Few Words about the Devil, and other Biographical Sketches and Essays (New York: A. K. Butts & Co., 36 Dey Street, 1874).


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