Carl Wilhelm Scheele : Swedish German Pharmaceutical Chemist, Discovered the Element Oxygen, Identified Hydrogen and several other Elements, Discoverer of Organic Acids Tartaric, Oxalic, Uric, Lactic, Citric, and others

December 9, 1742 — May 21, 1786

Entry 981


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RevoltSource People Carl Wilhelm Scheele

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Writings by Carl Wilhelm Scheele

A Swedish German pharmaceutical chemist. Scheele discovered oxygen (although Joseph Priestley published his findings first), and identified molybdenum, tungsten, barium, hydrogen, and chlorine, among others. Scheele discovered organic acids tartaric, oxalic, uric, lactic, and citric, as well as hydrofluoric, hydrocyanic, and arsenic acids.

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December 9, 1742
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May 21, 1786
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