Claudio Treves : Italian-Jewish Politician, Journalist, WW2-era Anti-fascist, and Participant in the Radical Milieu of Turin

March 24, 1869 — June 11, 1933

Entry 1035


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RevoltSource People Claudio Treves

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An Italian politician and journalist. Born in Turin into a well off assimilated Jewish family. As a student he participated in the Radical milieu of Turin and, in 1888, he joined first his university's student radical circle, then the local independent labor union, influenced by the Milanese socialist Filippo Turati.

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An icon of a baby.
March 24, 1869
Birth Day.

An icon of a gravestone.
June 11, 1933
Death Day.

An icon of a news paper.
March 24, 2020; 3:08:25 PM (UTC)
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An icon of a red pin for a bulletin board.
January 14, 2023; 7:02:14 PM (UTC)
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