Fabra Rivas (AKA: Antonio Fabra) : 20th-Century, Socialist, Spanish Politician and Orator

April 6, 1879 — January 17, 1958

Entry 951


From: holdoffhunger [id: 1]


RevoltSource People Fabra Rivas (AKA: Antonio Fabra)

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Born on April 6, 1879 in Reus, he moved to Barcelona to pursue his studies, developing them both in the city of Barcelona and in Paris. He Later he collaborated with La Revista Socialista de Madrid, from 1903 to 1905, under the pseudonym Mario Antonio. In 1907 he joined the group of Jean Jaur?s (L'Humanit?) in Paris. This same year he attended the Congress held in Stuttgart, as a representative of the Second International.

From : Wikipedia.org

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April 6, 1879
Birth Day.

An icon of a gravestone.
January 17, 1958
Death Day.

An icon of a news paper.
March 24, 2020; 2:48:19 PM (UTC)
Added to https://RevoltSource.com.

An icon of a red pin for a bulletin board.
January 8, 2023; 7:17:46 PM (UTC)
Updated on https://RevoltSource.com.


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