Fan Li : Ancient Chinese Military Strategist, Politician, Businessman, Andpolitical and Military Advisor to Goujian, the King of Yue, during the Spring and Autumn Period

800 BCE — 700 BCE

Entry 784


From: holdoffhunger [id: 1]


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An ancient Chinese military strategist, politician, and businessman. F?n Li was an important political and military advisor to Goujian, the king of Yue. He later was known as Tao Zhu Gong (???) a name he took after achieving a decisive victory for Yue over the state of Wu and retiring to live a secluded life with his wife Xi Shi, one of the most famous beauties in Chinese history.

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800 BCE
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700 BCE
Death Day.

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March 24, 2020; 1:46:01 PM (UTC)
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December 18, 2022; 6:51:11 PM (UTC)
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