Gaston Marquis De Galliffet : French General, Great Repressor of the 1871 Paris Commune, Organizer of the First European Concentration Camps

January 23, 1830 — July 8, 1909

Entry 811


From: holdoffhunger [id: 1]


RevoltSource People Gaston Marquis De Galliffet

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Quotes by Gaston Marquis De Galliffet
Writings by Gaston Marquis De Galliffet

A French general, best known for having taken part in the repression of the 1871 Paris Commune. He was Minister of War in Waldeck-Rousseau's cabinet at the turn of the century, which caused a controversy in the socialist movement, since independent socialist Alexandre Millerand also took part in the same government, and was thus side by side with the Fusilleur de la Commune (the "Commune's executioner").

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January 23, 1830
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July 8, 1909
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