Henri Jean-Baptiste Gr?goire : French Catholic Priest, Constitutional Bishop of Blois, Revolutionary Leader, Ardent Slavery Abolitionist, Supporter of Universal Suffrage, and Founding Member of the Bureau Des Longitudes and the Institut De France

December 4, 1750 — May 28, 1831

Entry 666


From: holdoffhunger [id: 1]


RevoltSource People Henri Jean-Baptiste Gr?goire

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Quotes by Henri Jean-Baptiste Gr?goire
Writings by Henri Jean-Baptiste Gr?goire

Often referred to as the Abb? Gr?goire, was a French Catholic priest, Constitutional bishop of Blois and a revolutionary leader. He was an ardent slavery abolitionist and supporter of universal suffrage. He was a founding member of the Bureau des longitudes, the Institut de France, and the Conservatoire national des arts et m?tiers.

From : Wikipedia.org

Quotes by Henri Jean-Baptiste Gr?goire

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An icon of a baby.
December 4, 1750
Birth Day.

An icon of a gravestone.
May 28, 1831
Death Day.

An icon of a news paper.
March 24, 2020; 10:23:16 AM (UTC)
Added to https://RevoltSource.com.

An icon of a red pin for a bulletin board.
December 12, 2022; 6:48:09 PM (UTC)
Updated on https://RevoltSource.com.


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