Luigi Galleani : Italian Anarchist Active in the Early 19th-Century United States, best Known for his Enthusiastic Advocacy of "propaganda of the Deed"

August 12, 1861 — November 4, 1931

Entry 640


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RevoltSource People Luigi Galleani

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An Italian anarchist active in the United States from 1901 to 1919. He is best known for his enthusiastic advocacy of "propaganda of the deed", i.e. the use of violence to eliminate those he viewed as tyrants and oppressors and to act as a catalyst to the overthrow of existing government institutions.

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An icon of a baby.
August 12, 1861
Birth Day.

An icon of a gravestone.
November 4, 1931
Death Day.

An icon of a news paper.
March 24, 2020; 10:14:11 AM (UTC)
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An icon of a red pin for a bulletin board.
December 10, 2022; 6:46:52 PM (UTC)
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