Miguel De Unamuno Y Jugo : Spanish Essayist, Novelist, Poet, Playwright, Philosopher, Professor of Greek and Classics, and Later Rector at the University of Salamanca

September 29, 1864 — December 31, 1936

Entry 182


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RevoltSource People Miguel De Unamuno Y Jugo

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Quotes by Miguel De Unamuno Y Jugo
Writings by Miguel De Unamuno Y Jugo

A Spanish essayist, novelist, poet, playwright, philosopher, professor of Greek and Classics, and later rector at the University of Salamanca. His major philosophical essay was The Tragic Sense of Life (1912), and his most famous novel was Abel S?nchez: The History of a Passion (1917), a modern exploration of the Cain and Abel story.

From : Wikipedia.org

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September 29, 1864
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December 31, 1936
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March 12, 2020; 1:57:27 PM (UTC)
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