Rafael Alberti : Spanish Poet, Member of the Generation of '27, Great Literary Figures of the Silver Age of Spanish Literature

December 16, 1902 — October 28, 1999

Entry 17


From: holdoffhunger [id: 1]


RevoltSource People Rafael Alberti

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Spanish poet, a member of the Generation of '27. He is considered one of the greatest literary figures of the so-called Silver Age of Spanish Literature, and he won numerous prizes and awards. He died aged 96. After the Spanish Civil War, he went into exile because of his Marxist beliefs. On his return to Spain after the death of Franco, he was named Hijo Predilecto de Andaluc?a in 1983 and Doctor Honoris Causa by the Universidad de C?diz in 1985.

From : Wikipedia.org

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December 16, 1902
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October 28, 1999
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March 11, 2020; 6:51:54 PM (UTC)
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January 17, 2023; 6:45:50 PM (UTC)
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