William Penn : English Writer, Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) Thinker, Founder of the Province of Pennsylvania, an Early Advocate of Democracy and Religious Freedom

October 14, 1644 — July 30, 1718

Entry 901


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RevoltSource People William Penn

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Quotes by William Penn
Writings by William Penn

An English writer and religious thinker belonging to the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), and founder of the Province of Pennsylvania, a North American colony of England. He was an early advocate of democracy and religious freedom, notable for his good relations and successful treaties with the Lenape Native Americans.

From : Wikipedia.org

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October 14, 1644
Birth Day.

An icon of a gravestone.
July 30, 1718
Death Day.

An icon of a news paper.
March 24, 2020; 2:36:14 PM (UTC)
Added to https://RevoltSource.com.

An icon of a red pin for a bulletin board.
January 3, 2023; 7:35:25 PM (UTC)
Updated on https://RevoltSource.com.


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