Stuart Christie (July 10, 1946 - August 15, 2020) on Anarchism and Social Organization

(published by RevoltSource)

Entry 553


From: holdoffhunger [id: 1]


RevoltSource Political Struggle Political Struggle Quotes Anarchism Social Organization 6

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(1946 - 2020)

Scottish Anarchist Writer, Publisher, Member of the Angry Brigade, Attempted-Assassin of Fascist Spain's Leader General Francisco Franco

: A Scottish anarchist writer and publisher. When aged 18, Christie was arrested while carrying explosives to assassinate the Spanish caudillo, General Francisco Franco. He was later alleged to be a member of the Angry Brigade, but was acquitted of related charges. (From:

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Quote #6 on Political Struggle Quotes >> Anarchism and Social Organization

“Economic changes can only come about as a result of unity at the places of work. Workers' councils, united with others, industry by industry, and locality by locality, are the basis of a revolutionary movement and also of a changeover in the system. It is possible now "to build the new society within the framework of the old," by creation of units in industry; localized associations for mutual aid and protection; cooperative endeavors and even clubs of common interest. A living commune consists of all facets of human interest. A united, local commune can bypass the State and ignore laws imposed upon it that it does not wish to observe, unless the authorities use force. And a commune active in coordinating workers' councils, tenants' associations, and many other action groups would be the fallback unit in any creation of a free society. It circumvents the need for the State and thus negates authority. It makes it possible for the State to be abolished.”

Source: "The Floodgates of Anarchy," by Stuart Christien and Albert Meltzer, PM Press, Oakland, California, 2010. Chapter 9: Sectarianism and Unity, Pages 101-102.

"The Floodgates of Anarchy," by Stuart Christien and Albert Meltzer, PM Press, Oakland, California, 2010.


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