Constantinos A. Grimanis on Democracy and The People

(published by RevoltSource)

Entry 1405


From: holdoffhunger [id: 1]


RevoltSource Political Struggle Political Struggle Quotes Democracy The People 8

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19th-Century Greek, Revolutionary Anarchist

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Quote #8 on Political Struggle Quotes >> Democracy and The People

“...only the citizens of a specific region are in a position to be aware of the means that should be used.”

Source: "Early Days of Greek Anarchism: 'The Democratic Club of Patris' & 'Social Radicalism in Greece'," edited and translated by Paul Pomonis, published by the Kate Sharpley Library, 2004. Section 1: The Democratic Club of Patras, Page 6.

"Early Days of Greek Anarchism: 'The Democratic Club of Patris' & 'Social Radicalism in Greece'," edited and translated by Paul Pomonis, published by the Kate Sharpley Library, 2004.


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