Walter Michael Miller (January 23, 1923 - January 9, 1996) on Individual and Leaving Society

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Entry 1691


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RevoltSource Political Struggle Political Struggle Quotes Individual Leaving Society 12

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(1923 - 1996)

Catholic-Advocacy American Science Fiction Writer

: An American science fiction writer. His fix-up novel, A Canticle for Leibowitz (1959), the only novel published in his lifetime, won the 1961 Hugo Award for Best Novel. Prior to its publication, he was a writer of short stories. (From:

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Quote #12 on Political Struggle Quotes >> Individual and Leaving Society

“"I haven't see him for five years," the abbot confessed. "And I'm ashamed I haven't. He's lonely. Ill go."

"If he's lonely, why does he insist on living like a hermit?"

"To escape loneliness -- in a young world."”

Source: "A Canticle for Leibowitz," by Walter M. Miller, Jr., October, 2005. Part 2: Fiat Lux, Chapter 13, Page 137.

"A Canticle for Leibowitz," by Walter M. Miller, Jr., October, 2005.


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