Domingo Germinal on Masters and Elections

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Entry 1840


From: holdoffhunger [id: 1]


RevoltSource Political Struggle Political Struggle Quotes Masters Elections 5

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Spanish Anarchist Fighter, Revolutionary, Anti-Capitalist Activist

: Anarcho-syndicalist propagandist Domingo Miguel Gonz?lez, who used various pseudonyms (Severino Rey, Gumersindo Rey, Adalid de la Revuelta Germinal, and Domingo Germinal Gonz?lez), but who was known as Domingo Germinal or simply Germinal. He lived his youth in Bilbao (Vizcaya, Basque Country), which is why some cite this city as his birthplace.... (From:

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Quote #5 on Political Struggle Quotes >> Masters and Elections

“...a deputy offered a bridge to the people. When they told him that there was no river, he promised them a river.”

Source: "Durruti in the Spanish Revolution," by Abel Paz, afterword by Jos? Luis Gutierr?z Molina, Translated by Chuck Morse, 2007, AK Press. Second Part: The Militant (1931-1936), Section 16: From Electoral Strike to Insurrection, Page 318.

"Durruti in the Spanish Revolution," by Abel Paz, afterword by Jos? Luis Gutierr?z Molina, Translated by Chuck Morse, 2007, AK Press.


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