Voltairine De Cleyre (November 17, 1866 - June 20, 1912) on Oppression and Police

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Entry 2038


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RevoltSource Political Struggle Political Struggle Quotes Oppression Police 5

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(1866 - 1912)

American Anarchist Feminist, Writer, Anti-Capitalist Speaker, Anti-Marriage Advocate, Free Lover, Freethinker, Revolutionary

: An American anarchist known for being a prolific writer and speaker who opposed capitalism, marriage and the state as well as the domination of religion over sexuality and women's lives which she saw as all interconnected. She is often characterized as a major early feminist because of her views. (From: Wikipedia.org.)

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Quote #5 on Political Struggle Quotes >> Oppression and Police

“Now everybody knows that a strike of any size means violence... always, everywhere, all the time, fights between strike-breakers and scabs against strikers and strike-sympathizers, between People and Police.”

Source: "Direct Action," by Voltairine de Cleyre.

"Direct Action," by Voltairine de Cleyre.


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