Emma Goldman (June 27, 1868 - May 14, 1940) on Politics and Political Parties

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Entry 2093


From: holdoffhunger [id: 1]


RevoltSource Political Struggle Political Struggle Quotes Politics Political Parties 7

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(1868 - 1940)

Mother of Revolutionary, Social Anarchism, Influential Feminist, Writer, Philosopher, Activist, Multiple Exile, Convicted Terrorist, Jewish-Russian-Born Emigrant to America

: A Russian-born anarchist political activist and writer. She played a pivotal role in the development of anarchist political philosophy in North America and Europe in the first half of the 20th century. (From: Wikipedia.org.)

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Quote #7 on Political Struggle Quotes >> Politics and Political Parties

“In politics, naught but quantity counts. In proportion to its increase, however, principles, ideals, justice, and uprightness are completely swamped by the array of numbers. In the struggle for supremacy the various political parties outdo each other in trickery, deceit, cunning, and shady machinations, confident that the one who succeeds is sure to be hailed by the majority as the victor. That is the only god, -- Success. As to what expense, what terrible cost to character, is of no moment. We have not far to go in search of proof to verify this sad fact.”

Source: "Minorities Versus Majorities," by Emma Goldman, Third revised edition, New York: Mother Earth Publishing Association, 1917.

"Minorities Versus Majorities," by Emma Goldman, Third revised edition, New York: Mother Earth Publishing Association, 1917.


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